Contract Opportunity for 2021 Renewable Energy Supplies and Stand-Alone Storage (Rebid of PUC.PRO.0213) and department San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)
Description: 08/23/2023:Thank you for your participation in SFPUC PRO.0236. This RFO is now closed as all PRO.0236 contracts have been awarded. We encourage your participation in future SFPUC solicitations. 01/07/2022:The shortlist has been posted.
12/09/2021:Addendum 3 has been posted, updating the schedule. 10/29/2021:Addendum 2 has been posted. 10/28/2021:Addendum 1 has been posted, with the updated schedule.
Last Update: 8/23/2023 10:48:17 AM
Deadline: 11/5/2021 2:00:00 PM
Thank you for your participation in SFPUC PRO.0236. This RFO is now closed as all PRO.0236 contracts have been awarded. We encourage your participation in future SFPUC solicitations.
The shortlist has been posted.
Addendum 3 has been posted, updating the schedule.
Addendum 2 has been posted.
Addendum 1 has been posted, with the updated schedule.